Seminar Speakers

The purpose of this type of events is: to provide undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate students a seminar series where they can meet distinguished professors in STEM fields and hear about the challenges that these professionals encountered on their pathway to academia as well as their research interests. This is meant to provide exposure to students interested in science to accomplished professionals from top programs in the nation as well as increase interest in STEM.  We hope that the organized seminars help break the stereotype that pursuing a career in STEM is not possible or fun!

Fall 2019 Invitee

Prof. May Khanna is a Professor at the University of Arizona. Prof. Khanna's research group uses a variety of biological tools towards the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.  She is also cofounder of a start-up "Regulonix".

Homepage Link to research group


Fall 2017 Invitee

Dr. Alexander Buitrago Santanilla is a current investigator at GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Buitrago has worked at the forefront of synthetic organic chemistry throughout his career. Dr. Buitrago proudly represents the LGBT and latino communities and is interested in targeting diseases that disproportianately affect these groups.

Homepage Link to GSK

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Spring 2017

Prof. Alejandro Bugarin will be visiting CU Denver from UT Arlington on February 2nd and 3rd. His research focus is on the use of organic chemistry in areas such as organocatalysis, medicinal chemistry, and sensors. Prof. Bugarin is scheduled to participate in various activities focused on interactions with students and faculty.  

Homepage Link to Prof. Bugarin research

Fall 2016 Invitee

Prof. Marcia Levitus is an associate professor of chemistry at Arizona State University. Prof. Levitus  is the recipient of many awards and is also author of many publications that highlight the interdisciplinary nature of her work in areas such as photochemistry, physical organic chemistry, nucleic acid chemistry, biophysics and physics among others.

Homepage Link to Prof. Levitus research



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Fall 2016

Prof. Rizo-Rey will be visiting CU Denver from UT Southwestern, where he currently serves as chair for the molecular biophysics program. Prof. Rizo-Rey will have dinner with students from COADSS  

Homepage Link to Prof. Rizo-Rey research

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